Our Vision
Empower everyone to optimize the development and functioning of their brain and nervous system to the peak of their potential throughout their lifetime.
Our Mission
Promote care of brain health through public engagement and targeted philanthropic support.
Join Us

Join us to learn about,
care for & appreciate
your amazing brain.

Our Beginning
The Center for Neurosciences Foundation is the brainchild of several Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, and Pediatric Neurologists from the Center for Neurosciences. We created this non-profit foundation in 2010 to support research and education in the neurosciences and to raise awareness of diseases of the nervous system. Our mission includes engaging people in learning about development and lifelong care of the brain and nervous system.

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Board of Directors:
Graduate Student Associates:
David Teeple, MD
Center for Neurosciences
Dorothy Johnson, MD, FAAP
Susan Hopkinson
Center for Neurosciences (Director of Fundraising and Operations)
Thanks to Our Supporters